In-Kind transfers are available through Schwab’s Health Brokerage Savings Account (HSBA) investment option. An In-Kind transfer is separate from a trustee-to-trustee transfer and allows currently invested funds to be transferred to a new investment account without having to sell, or liquidate, your current positions.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in completing an In-Kind transfer, please contact your current HSA Provider directly and confirm they are able to support electronic In-Kind Transfers via Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS).
If your provider does not support electronic In-Kind transfers via ACATS, you may need to sell, or liquidate, your invested assets before your provider will transfer your HSA funds to Lively. We recommend working with your provider directly for any next steps to ensure a smooth transfer of your funds to Lively.
If your provider confirms they support these electronic transfers, please see below for next steps.
If your provider supports electronic In-Kind Transfers via ACATS:
Step 1. Within your finalized Lively account, navigate to the 'Investments' section of your dashboard and sign-up for your new Lively-affiliated Schwab investment account. Schwab accounts typically finalize in 1-3 business days, at which point you will be notified via email.
Step 2. Once your new Schwab account is finalized, please download this In-Kind Transfer Form.
Step 3. Within Section 2 of the transfer form, enter your new Lively-affiliated Schwab account information. This information is located in the ‘HSA Details’ section of ‘Account Settings’ within your Lively dashboard.
Step 4. Within Section 3 of the transfer form, enter your existing account information for the HSA-affiliated investment account you would like to transfer to your new Lively-affiliated investment account.
Step 5. Ensure the investment account you are transferring from is affiliated with an HSA in your name and check the box accordingly to confirm the account type is a Health Savings Account.
Note: If your existing investment account is not affiliated with an HSA in your name, an In-Kind transfer cannot be processed as HSAs are individually owned per IRS guidelines.
Step 6. Complete Section 4 with the necessary information for your existing assets you wish to transfer.
Step 7. Be sure to sign and date the In-Kind Transfer Form (in step 2) once the form is complete. Once complete, submit the form along with a most recent account statement to Lively Support via your Secure Message portal online.
Step 8. Lively will submit the documents for processing and you will receive a notification once the In-Kind transfer is complete. Lively will also contact you if any additional information is necessary for a successful transfer.
If you have any questions about the investments you wish to transfer, we recommend you contact your investment provider directly.