If you paid out-of-pocket for an expense that is eligible for reimbursement from your DCFSA, you can pay yourself back from your DCFSA by submitting a manual claim through your Lively account.
Please note, to submit a claim for reimbursement you will need a third-party receipt (or a photo of the receipt) of the expense incurred with the following information:
- Dependent name
- Provider or merchant name
- Dates of care (Note the expense must have been incurred within your DCFSA plan year and cannot be in the future)
- Description of care
- Expense amount
A qualifying third-party receipt is one that is company letterhead or signed by the service provider.
Instructions for how to submit a manual claim with Lively
Lively makes the manual claims process simple, guiding you with helpful instructions at every step. Submitting a claim should take no more than 5 minutes and is completed in just 4 steps.
1. Visit secure.livelyme.com/login to login to your Lively account. Once logged in, select the Get reimbursed button located at the top-right of your ‘Dashboard’ page.
2. You will see a screen with important information to know about manual claims, including documentation required, approval timelines, and more. DCFSA also allows you to file claims for more than your available balance (up to $4,500). Once approved, your outstanding claim balance will be automatically fulfilled as funds are deposited in your DCFSA.
After you’ve read the information, select Continue.
3. In the next screen, you’ll be prompted to share information about the expense and the bank where the reimbursement will be deposited if approved. Once completed, select Continue to proceed.
4. You’ll be prompted to upload third-party supporting documentation (receipt) for your claim. You must have the document, or a photo of the document, saved to your desktop for this step.
5. At this last step, you’ll be asked to review the expense details before submitting to ensure there are no errors. If there are no errors, you’re all done!