HSA Guided Portfolio by Devenir makes it simple to design and manage a well-diversified portfolio that’s tailored to your profile, risk preferences, and long-term financial goals. The optional automated rebalancing feature ensures that your portfolio stays aligned with your strategy over time. And no cash minimum requirement means you will not incur opportunity costs while waiting to invest. The 0.50% annual fee enables us to provide and maintain this solution for you. There are no additional fees to invest with HSA Guided Portfolio.
The fee is calculated on a percentage basis and assessed based at the valuation on the last day of each quarter equating to 0.125% or $1.25 per $1,000. The fee is deducted pro rata from the mutual fund account on or about the 10th business day following the end of each quarter. Mutual funds will be sold proportionate to the asset allocation by fund on these dates.
Be sure to consult with a financial planning and/or tax professional as needed to understand your options.