If your bank account is not listed, you can use our microdeposits feature to connect directly to your account. Simply enter the routing number and account number of the external bank account you would like to connect with Lively. We will verify your account (this may take 2-3 days to complete) and you can then transfer funds.
Updated:Other articles in this section:
- Can I contribute to an FSA and HSA?
- I made an excess contribution to my HSA in 2019. Can I avoid the 6% excise tax if I withdraw the excess amount (and income on the excess amount) by July 15, 2020?
- What happens if I contribute too much to my HSA?
- Employees Can Contribute Post-Tax Funds from a Personal Bank Account
- My Bank Account Isn't Listed, How Can I Add Funds to Lively?
- Can my employer make contributions into my account?
- Who can contribute to my HSA?
- What am I allowed to contribute if I stop being covered under a HDHP midyear?
- Can I make HSA contributions and distributions if I am eligible for VA medical benefits?
- How can I view past contributions?